Aruba's Best-Kept Food Secrets

Aruba’s Best-Kept Food Secrets: Casiola’s Recommendations

What's going on in Aruba?
Aruba, known for its stunning beaches and vibrant culture, also boasts a rich and diverse culinary scene. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor, staying with Casiola Aruba offers the perfect base to explore the island’s hidden food gems. While many visitors flock to well-known restaurants, there are lesser-known spots that offer unique and memorable dining experiences. In this blog post, We’ll uncover some of Aruba’s best-kept food secrets, sharing our personal recommendations and experiences. Get ready to explore Aruba’s culinary treasures beyond the usual tourist trails while enjoying the comfort and convenience of staying with Casiola Aruba.

Exploring hidden gems in Aruba

Aruba’s food scene is a delightful blend of Dutch, Caribbean, Latin American, and international influences, reflecting the island’s rich cultural tapestry. This fusion of flavors and culinary traditions creates a unique gastronomic landscape that caters to a wide array of tastes and preferences. While many visitors flock to well-known restaurants in bustling tourist areas, there are countless hidden gems waiting to be discovered. These off-the-beaten-path eateries offer authentic flavors, unique dishes, and unforgettable dining experiences that truly capture the essence of Aruba’s culinary diversity. From cozy family-owned cafes to beachside shacks and gourmet bistros tucked away in quiet neighborhoods, these hidden spots provide a taste of the island that goes beyond the ordinary. In this post, we’ll share some of Casiola’s favorite hidden dining spots in Aruba, perfect for those looking to venture beyond the usual and explore the rich, diverse flavors that make Aruba a food lover’s paradise.

Cheese Wheel Spaghetti at Gianni’s Ristorante

Casiola Arubas Best Kept Food Secrets Giannis 01

The Experience

At Gianni’s Ristorante, the Cheese Wheel Spaghetti is a must-try dish that is prepared right at your table, providing an engaging and delightful culinary spectacle. The process begins with a large wheel of Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, a staple in Italian cuisine known for its rich, nutty flavor and crumbly texture. The server wheels over this massive cheese, hollowed out in the center to create a bowl-like shape.

The magic happens when the server pours steaming hot pasta into the hollowed-out center of the cheese wheel. The heat from the pasta starts to melt the cheese, and the server expertly mixes the pasta within the wheel, allowing the melted cheese to coat each strand thoroughly. This action creates a rich, creamy sauce that envelops the pasta, combining the warmth of the freshly cooked noodles with the intense flavor of the Parmigiano-Reggiano. The result is a decadent, flavorful dish that is simply irresistible and a true feast for the senses.

Personal Anecdote

We remember our first visit to Gianni’s vividly. The ambiance was warm and inviting, with soft lighting and a bustling yet cozy atmosphere that made us feel right at home. When the server brought the cheese wheel to our table, I was mesmerized by the process. Watching the pasta being mixed with the melting cheese right before our eyes was not just a meal but a performance. The aroma of the melting cheese combined with the freshly cooked pasta was intoxicating, filling the air with a mouth-watering scent that heightened our anticipation.

The first bite was a revelation – the perfect balance of creamy, salty, and savory flavors. The texture of the pasta was impeccable, each strand perfectly coated in the luscious cheese sauce. It was an experience that left a lasting impression, not just for the incredible taste but also for the unique and engaging presentation. The warmth of the restaurant, the friendly service, and the exceptional food all contributed to making it a memorable dining experience.


If you visit Gianni’s, we highly recommend pairing the Cheese Wheel Spaghetti with a glass of their house red wine. The robust flavors of the red wine complement the richness of the dish perfectly, enhancing the overall dining experience. Additionally, making a reservation is advisable, as this popular dish tends to attract many diners. The demand for the Cheese Wheel Spaghetti can be high, so securing a reservation ensures that you won’t miss out on this spectacular dish. Enjoying this meal at Gianni’s is not just about the food but also about the ambiance and the memorable experience it offers.

Poffertjes at Pofferdorie

Casiola Arubas Best Kept Food Secrets Pofferdorie 01

The Experience

Poffertjes are small, round pancakes made with a special batter consisting of yeast and buckwheat flour, giving them their unique texture and flavor. They are typically served with a generous helping of melted butter and a dusting of powdered sugar, creating a perfect balance of buttery richness and sweet delight. At Pofferdorie, these delightful treats are made fresh to order, ensuring they are always warm and fluffy, providing a fresh and authentic taste with every bite.

The preparation process is a delight to watch. The chef skillfully pours the batter into a special griddle with shallow indentations, flipping each tiny pancake with precision and care. The sight and smell of the cooking Poffertjes are sure to make your mouth water, as the golden brown pancakes sizzle on the hot griddle. The end result is a plate full of fluffy, bite-sized pancakes that practically melt in your mouth.

Personal Anecdote

During one of our trips to Aruba, we stumbled upon Pofferdorie while exploring a local market. The enticing smell of freshly cooked pancakes drew us in, almost like a magnet. The ambiance was charming, with a cozy setup and friendly staff who welcomed us warmly. The small, intimate setting made it feel like a hidden gem, a place where locals and savvy tourists alike could enjoy a piece of Dutch culinary tradition.

Watching the chef expertly flip the tiny pancakes was fascinating. Each movement was precise and confident, reflecting years of practice and a deep understanding of the craft. When we took our first bite, we were transported back to our childhood, savoring the sweet, buttery goodness of Poffertjes. The combination of the light, fluffy texture and the rich, buttery flavor was incredibly comforting. It was a nostalgic experience that brought back fond memories of enjoying similar treats in Dutch bakeries. The warmth and coziness of Pofferdorie, coupled with the delicious Poffertjes, made it a truly memorable visit.


Pofferdorie is an excellent spot for breakfast or a mid-day snack. We recommend enjoying your Poffertjes with a cup of hot chocolate or coffee. The rich, creamy hot chocolate or a robust cup of coffee complements the sweet, buttery pancakes perfectly, creating a delightful combination that is especially comforting during the cooler months. Additionally, Pofferdorie offers a variety of other Dutch treats that are worth trying. From Stroopwafels to Bitterballen, each item provides a taste of Dutch culinary heritage and adds to the overall experience. Don’t rush your visit; take your time to savor the ambiance, enjoy the friendly service, and indulge in the delicious offerings. Pofferdorie is not just a place to eat; it’s a place to create cherished memories of your time in Aruba.

The Bread Basket: Best coffee on the beach

Casiola Arubas Best Kept Food Secrets The Bread Basket

The Bread Basket Aruba offers a unique dining experience with its beachfront location. Known for its excellent coffee and affordable meals, this spot is perfect for a relaxing breakfast or lunch. It’s the ideal place to unwind, enjoy delicious food, and take in the beautiful surroundings.

The Experience

Imagine enjoying a delicious meal while listening to the soothing sounds of the ocean. The Bread Basket provides this idyllic setting, with tables set up right on the beach. The gentle sea breeze, the sound of waves lapping against the shore, and the warm sun create a tranquil and inviting atmosphere. Their menu includes a variety of breakfast and lunch options, but their coffee stands out for its quality and flavor. From rich, creamy cappuccinos to robust espressos, every cup is crafted with care and precision. The Bread Basket also offers fresh juices and smoothies, made from local fruits, providing a refreshing complement to their hearty meals.

The casual yet charming ambiance makes it a favorite spot for both locals and tourists. The simple wooden tables and chairs blend seamlessly with the natural beauty of the beach, and the friendly staff adds to the welcoming vibe. Whether you’re starting your day with a hearty breakfast or taking a break from beach activities for a light lunch, The Bread Basket offers a dining experience that feels like a slice of paradise.

Personal Anecdote

We often start our mornings in Aruba at The Bread Basket. There’s something magical about sipping a perfectly brewed cup of coffee while watching the sunrise over the ocean. The sight of the sun slowly rising, casting a golden glow over the water, combined with the invigorating aroma of freshly brewed coffee, makes for a perfect start to the day. Our go-to order is a cappuccino paired with their avocado toast. The combination of the creamy avocado, fresh bread, and robust coffee is the perfect way to begin the morning. The avocado toast is particularly delightful, with its creamy texture and rich flavor perfectly balanced by the crispness of the fresh bread.

The relaxed atmosphere and stunning views make it a place we always look forward to visiting. There’s a certain peace and serenity that comes with sitting by the beach, feeling the cool sand beneath your feet, and enjoying a leisurely meal. It’s a ritual that sets the tone for a wonderful day ahead. The Bread Basket has become our little haven, a place where we can relax, reflect, and relish the simple pleasures of life.


For the best experience, visit The Bread Basket early in the morning to secure a prime spot on the beach. The early hours are perfect for enjoying the tranquil beauty of the beach before it gets crowded. In addition to their coffee, their fresh juices and smoothies are also worth trying. Made with locally sourced fruits, they are both delicious and refreshing, perfect for a sunny day by the beach.

Don’t forget to bring your swimsuit – you might be tempted to take a dip in the ocean after your meal! The proximity to the water makes it easy to enjoy a refreshing swim before or after dining. Also, take the time to explore their menu, which includes a variety of other delightful options such as hearty breakfast sandwiches, fresh salads, and mouth-watering pastries. Each dish is prepared with attention to detail and a commitment to quality, ensuring that every meal at The Bread Basket is a memorable one.

The Bread Basket is not just a place to eat; it’s a destination where you can experience the essence of Aruba’s laid-back beach lifestyle. The combination of delicious food, excellent coffee, and stunning beachfront views makes it a must-visit spot for anyone traveling to Aruba.

Tips for discovering your own hidden gems in Aruba

Exploring Aruba’s culinary scene can be a rewarding adventure. Here are some tips to help you uncover your own hidden dining gems:

  1. Engage with Locals: Locals often have the best recommendations for authentic dining experiences. Don’t hesitate to ask for their favorite spots.
  2. Explore Less Touristy Areas: Venture away from the main tourist areas to discover unique eateries. Neighborhoods and local markets are great places to start.
  3. Check Local Food Blogs and Forums: Online resources can provide valuable insights and reviews from fellow food enthusiasts. Look for blogs and forums that focus on local cuisine.

Discover and enjoy Aruba’s culinary treasures with Casiola

Aruba’s culinary scene is full of hidden gems waiting to be discovered. From the Cheese Wheel Spaghetti at Gianni’s Ristorante to the traditional Poffertjes at Pofferdorie and the beachfront bliss of The Bread Basket, these spots offer unique and memorable dining experiences. Staying with Casiola Aruba provides the perfect base for your culinary adventures, offering comfort and convenience after a day of exploring. We hope this guide inspires you to explore and enjoy the diverse flavors of Aruba. Share your own experiences and recommendations in the comments – We’d love to hear about your culinary adventures on this beautiful island. Enjoy your stay and happy dining!


How do I get to these hidden dining spots in Aruba?

To reach these hidden dining spots, it’s best to explore local neighborhoods and ask residents for directions. Gianni’s Ristorante and The Bread Basket are well-known among locals and are often found near popular beaches. Pofferdorie is located in local markets, offering a cozy and intimate setting.

Are there any vegetarian or vegan options available at these hidden dining spots?

Many of these spots, like The Bread Basket and Gianni’s Ristorante, are known to offer a variety of dishes, which likely include vegetarian options. For vegan choices, it’s best to inquire directly with the restaurant staff.

What is Aruba’s signature food?

Savor the flavors of keshi yena, one of Aruba’s most iconic dishes, featuring a blend of meat, vegetables, and dried fruits baked within a cheese rind. For those with a sweet tooth, indulge in cocada, a delightful coconut candy, and quesillo, a creamy dessert similar to flan. These traditional treats offer a taste of Aruba’s rich culinary heritage.